We ran the show on Saturday night!!!! What a night! WE HAVE A SHOW EVERYBODY!
Now, as long as I remember all my lines, I think we're all going to be great. It was actually pretty amazing to run the show on such a cold night. I could see my breath! But amazing, I was never cold because the show was really cookin'.
We are all VERY excited to be sharing this play. The tent is REALLY starting to buzz--so much so that some pretty exciting press has caught word of the show. Not going to mention it yet, but its preeettttyyyy awesome.
Here's an interview (with tons of wind!) that I did with Andrew today. He's not just a genius, he's also pretty sweet too.
And here are a couple photos of Sarah and Lesley horsing around.
What's that you ask? What are these fine ladies wearing?
THE CHOIR HAS THEIR ROBES. (because one can't have a choir without robes)
At first, I was a bit perturbed when I saw them, as I you can see in the following video.
Nahhhhh. Just kidding. I love them and I love the choir. They are the best choir ever. Not that i know a TON of choirs, but if I did, they would still be my favourite.
And I leave you with two more images from the past couple of days.
Here is NICK (music director) looking very serious and determined (which he has been).
Nick has truly been a gift from the Gods.
I am amazed at how much he has been able to make the music live over the past week. There is no way we'd be getting such beautiful sounds without Nick. We're going to really miss him when he's gone. Yesterday, after the run, he came up and said that he felt very proud to be a part of this show. And we are proud to have him also.
Thank-you Nick, for everything
This is my favourite picture of the day, mostly because of the Steve (in the middle of Sarah and Andrew). I can't tell what the heck is going on in his head in this photo, but I love the look on his face. I also really love Steve, who has also been really wonderful. He is a fantastic bass, and, in general, just a really warm, friendly, positive energy in the choir.
I also do love how "directorly" Sarah and Andrew both look. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS FOLKS!
Until tomorrow, my lovelies.
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