Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. What an opening night. I am so very very very proud of everything and everyone, the audience included. What an unbelievable night. I have never before experienced such remarkable energy in a ... TENT.
Last night was awesome. Just awesome. We got an incredible standing ovation, and three curtain calls, and people whooped and hollered DURING THE SHOW!

There were a lot of tears and amazement in the audience--from MYSELF included. An incredible affirmation of the power of ... well ... bravery, risk and love. Seriously. Every single person in that audience and on stage was amazing and brave and beautiful.

And as an added bonus, there were cameras from the CBC there doing a piece on the show for THE NATIONAL! It is supposed to air on Friday. VERY COOL. And there have been smatterings of press here and there, including this piece on the National Post Blog that went up today: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/theampersand/archive/2009/05/20/andrew-penner-talks-about-the-book-of-judith.aspx

I feel like there is so much more to say, but Anne Hardcastle, from Queen's University, said it perfectly. "I have no words for what I just experienced". And I feel a bit the same. All I can say is come. come. come. Come early, because I think we may sell out in the second week, but we need audiences for this week.
I'd love to post little clips from the show, but of course, I wasn't able to film myself. But I did make this video during our opening-day rehearsal with the choir.
Pretty beautiful little thing I think.
To book tickets, call the Theatre Centre BOX OFFICE: 416. 534.9261.
Show starts at 8:00 every night this week, with 2:30 matinees this weekend. (Sat. and Sun.)
Love to all who were there on opening, and all who plan to come, and all who can use a bit more love in their lives.
The Book of Judith has been unleashed!
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