Yesterday I promised you a bit of video.
Today I have come through.
Please enjoy this very rough (but great!) video of a tiny section of the play. The singing will all be backed up by my 16 person choir and sound amazing.
But here's a taste .............. !
In the clip, I am talking about our original production of Suck and Blow that we performed at the Rhubarb! Festival and the kind of response we got from the play.
Today I have come through.
Please enjoy this very rough (but great!) video of a tiny section of the play. The singing will all be backed up by my 16 person choir and sound amazing.
But here's a taste .............. !
In the clip, I am talking about our original production of Suck and Blow that we performed at the Rhubarb! Festival and the kind of response we got from the play.
I don't know man, that video is really silly, and self-serving. Are you really that excited about self-promotion in a monotone?? It's like you're trying to be a parody of annoying theatre people who spend a LOT of energy being self-excited to the point of masturbatory excess.